Call for abstracts:

  • Abstract are invited from the stated International conference themes;
  • Deadline for participation application and submission of abstracts: 15.10.2024.
  • Each submission must be original work that has not been previously published;
  • Working Language: The official Conference languages are Serbian and English;
  • Abstracts should be half page in length, maximum 300 words (single space), typed in English and must be submitted by e-mail;
  • The abstract must follow the format requirement provided by the conference;
  • Each presenting author is permitted to submit a maximum of 1 abstract in the capacity of main author and 2 abstract as a coauthor.

Abstract format:

  • Page Format: white paper, size A4 (297x210mm), maximum 300 words (single space)(1 page), margins: left, right, top, bottom – 2.0 cm.;
  • Please use the following abstract form;
  • Please send us your abstract via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. after the registration.